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AMA Service GmbH
Von-Münchhausen-Straße 49
31515 Wunstorf
Tel. +49 (0)5033 9639-0
Fax +49 (0)5033 9639-20
Representative authority:
Elena Schultz, Managing Director
Commercial register:
Hannover, 110354
VAT identification number:
VAT ID no.: DE 116 154 181
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
Please find our email in the impressum/legal notice.
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As service providers, we are liable for own contents of these websites according to Sec. 7, paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to Sec. 8 to 10 German Telemedia Act (TMG), service providers are not obligated to permanently monitor submitted or stored information or to search for evidences that indicate illegal activities.
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Our offer includes links to external third party websites. We have no influence on the contents of those websites, therefore we cannot guarantee for those contents. Providers or administrators of linked websites are always responsible for their own contents.
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In cases of direct or indirect links to external Internet sites that are not within the area of responsibility of AMA Service GmbH, the content of these external Web pages is not adopted by AMA Service GmbH as its own. AMA Service GmbH expressly declares that at the time of inclusion of the relevant links on the AMA Service GmbH Web pages the corresponding linked pages were free of illegal contents. AMA Service GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design of the contents of the links. AMA Service GmbH hereby expressly disclaims all contents of all links changed after setting the links. Deep links on subpages and subdirectories of AMA Service GmbH Web pages and the incorporation of AMA Service GmbH Web pages in frames are only admissible with the prior written consent of AMA Service GmbH.
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AMA Service GmbH has selected and compiled the links below with the utmost care. AMA Service GmbH draws your attention to the following legal disclaimer: The following selection of links to other sites dealing with the subject of this trade fair is non-representative and makes no claim to completeness or exclusiveness. Neither the inclusion nor omission of a link represents a recommendation by AMA Service GmbH.
AMA Service GmbH provides all information and links to the following Web pages without any kind of guarantee or promise whatsoever, whether expressed or implied. Especially excluded are all guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that concern the possible commercial use of the contents or the suitability of the Web pages for certain purposes. All liability for damages arising directly or indirectly out of the use of the links is excluded, provided such damages are not due to intent or gross negligence or cause harm to life and limb.
Deep links to subpages and subdirectories of AMA Service GmbH Web pages and the incorporation of AMA Service GmbH Web pages in frames are only admissible with the prior written consent of AMA Service GmbH.
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Proceedings information
The proceedings and articles contained in this website are provided by AMA Service GmbH of Wunstorf (Germany). The respective authors are responsible for the form and content of the articles. AMA Service GmbH has no influence on the content of the provided articles.
AMA Service GmbH provides no kind of guarantee or promise whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, with respect to information provided by the authors, unless AMA Service GmbH has failed to ensure through intent or gross negligence and in spite of knowledge of the incorrectness of the information that these entries are corrected or removed without undue delay.
Especially excluded are all guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that concern the possible commercial use of the contents or the suitability of the Web pages for certain purposes. The parts of these Web pages under the control of AMA Service GmbH have been compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no responsibility can be accepted for freedom from errors and the accuracy of the information contained in them. All liability for damages arising directly or indirectly out of the use of these Web pages is excluded, provided these are not due to intent or gross negligence or cause harm to life and limb.
AMA Service GmbH has not checked all the information on which the documents are based itself and accepts no liability for damages caused by the use of this information or connected with the use of this information.
The copyright on these Web pages is owned by AMA Service GmbH (© AMA Service GmbH, 2006). All rights reserved. We expressly declare that some Web pages contain photos that are subject to the copyright of the parties that have made these available to AMA Service GmbH. Unless otherwise stated, all the brands and trademarks named on the Web pages are legally protected brands or trademarks of AMA Service GmbH. The intellectual property such as patents, brands and copyright contained in the following Web pages is protected. These Web pages do not constitute a license to use the intellectual property of AMA Service GmbH or third parties.
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